Aynsley's Travels

Aynsley and her family
We hope you have a great day in Japan :)

From all your old friends in Room 9 xx


https://www.facebook.com/meredith.thorpe.7/videos/10153744619724161/ Sunday, July 26th.

Thank you for your message, Aynsley, to tell all your friends in Room 9 what you have been doing so far.  Unfortunately we couldn't view the photos at school but the details you included in your message gave us a good idea of what you have done.

We have had a good start to term.  But, of course, are missing you and Rosa heaps!  I hope you can see the Blog posts about the end of term - shared lunch, movie and face painting!  It was such a fun way to end Term 2.

Keep in touch and we look forward to hearing about your next adventure!

Best wishes from Nelson,
Kathryn and your friends in Room 9

We wish you and your family a safe and fantastic trip.  What an adventure you will have.  Please keep in touch with us.  We look forward to hearing about all your adventures and seeing photos of you while you are away.

Bon Voyage, from Kathryn and all your Room 9 friends.


  1. A little test on the blog... :-)

  2. Hello room 9! How was the first day back at school ? Where we are are is very hot in Thailand, and when we got out of the plane the air had more water in it than NZ so it was hard to breathe. We are staying at our friends house, Paul and Ruth. There are geckos all around the room, they chirp at night. We have been told there are snakes but we have not seen one yet. This morning I did some maths home work, what did you all do? Please tell me.
    Then we went to an amazing park, there were elephants. They did a show, there were baby elephants too! One elephant rode a bycle! They played soccer and basket ball, and they painted t shirts, we bought one!
    The park has lots of great plants and concrete animals like Jaguars, zebras and flamingos. And we saw real tigers. Amarah paid to pat one and get a photo with one. It was so hot!
    At our house we have a swimming pool which is so good. I am learning to swim better! I miss you all! Xx see photos on face book: meredith jonathan Thorpe. Good bye, love from Aynsley

    1. Hi room 9! Did you see the photos on face book? I got the chance to help teach English at Thai school! Now we are in a different city Hat Yai, still in Thailand. Our friends here have 3 kids.they told us that Thailand looks like an elephant. We are now on the elephants trunk if you look at the map.
      There are scorpions and poisonous centipedes and snakes so they told us not to walk in the grass. They showed us a snake that was dead on the road, it was green and thin and it had a pretty head.
      Can I Skype you at school sometime? We are 5 hours behind you. So we could Skype you after lunch one day your time.
      Some of the toilets here you have to squat over.
      Love from Aynsley and family xx

    2. A Skype sounds like a great idea. What is your Skype address and we can connect. Keep the posts coming and I will try and show the Room 9 children the photos on your mum's Facebook tomorrow. You did so well at the school - highly impressed !! Kathryn

  3. Hi Aynsley. Are you having a good time in Japan? What adventurers have you had?. I miss you. Is it morning in Japan, Aynsley? How hot is it in Japan? Have you seen any animals? Bye for now and have a great time in Japan..... Love from Casey xxx.
